Levv Co.

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We love a good DIY moment, especially a multipurpose one. Our culture’s wellness obsession has introduced a lot of remedies and what nots into our routines. A wellness junkie cult favorite being the chia seed.

We know that, when consumed, chia seeds are an incredible source of fiber, great for our heart and gut health. But what happens when used for something else on the body?

Chia seeds have been used in Middle Eastern and Asian cultures as a natural anti-aging face mask. This comes as no surprise, as when chia seeds are digested, they also have mirroring properties working from the inside out. So how do we take these little dry seeds and turn them into effective face masks? The answer is super easy.


  • small bowl and spoon for mixing

  • 2/3 chia seeds

  • 1/3 water

  • essential oil of your choice (lemon juice is also great!)

  1. Fill your small bowl with chia seeds and mix in water

  2. Mix until the chia seeds start to thicken

  3. Let sit for about 5-10 minutes until mixture transitions into a gel texture

  4. After cleansing, apply to face and let sit for 10-20 minutes

  5. Wipe clean and follow up with toner, moisturizer, and sun screen


  • Great for soothing inflammation in the skin

  • Calms redness and rosacea

  • omega 3 acids that fight signs of aging

  • loaded with antioxidants that fight acne and keep skin glowing